Допоможіть зробити 13 та 15 вправу!!



Ответ дал: iravengenz
A: Have you ever tried (you/ever/try) crab?
B: Yes. I ate some
when I was in Portugal last summer.
2 A: Did you go out for
dinner last night?
B: No, but I have just booked
a table at Carol's for tonight.
3 A: I haven’t eaten cereal for ages.
B: I had some for
breakfast this morning.
4 A: Paul has just gone to
the shops. He'll be back soon.
B: Did you tell him to
buy some bread rolls for lunch?
5 A: I haven’t seen Lucy
since this morning.
B: She left at
11:00 to have a coffee with Beth.

Teofil107: Велике дякую!
iravengenz: 1. We haven't been to that restaurant for a year. (WENT)
The last time we went to that restaurant was a year ago.
2 I have never tried seafood before. (EVER)
It's the first time I have ever tried seafood.
3 It's a long time since he drank coffee.
He has not drunk coffee for a long time.
4 It's months since Pam baked a cake.
Pam hasn’t baked a cake for months.
5 Mike hasn't eaten meat since 2007. (ATE)
The last time Mike ate meat in 2007.
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