a) Make the sentences in present perfect continuous with the words in the brackets. 1. We (to paint) the fence since morning. 2. She (to watch) this film for 2 hours. 3. My father (to do) shopping since 3 p.m. 4. I (to learn) Japanese for 5 years. 5. The cat (to chase) a mouse since afternoon. 6. The dog (to chase) his favourite snack since morning. 7. I (to read) the book for 3 days. 8. he (to drink) tea for half of an hour? 9. The teacher (to have) the lesson for 30 minutes. 10. He (to live) in Paris for 10 years. 11. He (to eat) the soup for 15 minutes. 12. My friend (to learn) English since last year. 13: HAS he (to knit) this sweater since March? 14. she (to sew) a dress for 2 weeks? 15. It (to rain) since morning. 16. My mother (to cook) a dinner since 7 p.m. 17. They (to knock) the door for 15 minutes 18. The phone (to ring) since evening. 19. How long she to cut) her hair? 20. How long you to take) these pills?​


Ответ дал: spichkaminnaya
1. have been painting
2. has been watching
3. has been doing
4. have been learning
5. has been chasing
6. has been chasing
7. have been reading
8. Has he been drinking
9. has been having
10. has been living
11. has been eating
12. has been learning
13. Has he been knitting
14. Has she been sewing
15. has been raining
16. has been cooking
17. have been knocking
18. has been ringing
19. has she been cutting
20. How long have you been taking
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