3 Look at the family tree again and complete the sentences with
the words in the box.
son daughter grandson granddaughter
Sarah is David and Betty's daughter.
Sarah is David and Betty's ....
Kate is Richard and Helen's....
4 Paul is David and Betty's ....
2 Charlie is Jessie and Tony's....


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


Посмотрите на генеалогическое древо еще раз и дополните предложения словами из рамки.
1 Sarah is David and Betty's granddaughter.
Сара — внучка Дэвида и Бетти. (Сара на картинке подписана как "ME" - я.)
2 Charlie is Jessie and Tony's son.
Чарли — сын Джесси и Тони.
3 Kate is Richard and Helen's daughter.
Кейт — дочь Ричарда и Хелен.
4 Paul is David and Betty's grandson.
Пол - внук Дэвида и Бетти.

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