Complete each sentence b so that it means the same as sentence a, using the passive.

1. a) She likes people to call her Trixie.
b) She likes to be called Trixie.

2. a) A dentist checks my teeth every six months.


3. a) How would you like other people to remember you?

b) How would you....

4. a) People think it is extremely poisonous.

b) It...

5. a) Did anyone leave a parcel for me?

b) Was...

6. a) I asked them to tell me the results.

b) I asked...

7. a) Someone needs to fix my car.

b) My car..

8. a) Dogs enjoy it when someone takes them for a walk.
b) Dogs enjoy....

9. a) We expect the championship to be the best ever.

b) The championship....

10. a) l remember someone telling me I would fail.

b) I remember...


Ответ дал: dm1ka2f


there you are<3


My teeth are checked every six month;

like to be remembered;

It is thought extremely poisonous;

Was a parcel left for me?

I asked the results to be told.

My car is fixed.

Dogs enjoy when they are taken for a walk.

The championship is expected to be the best ever.

I remember I was told that I would fail.

dm1ka2f: если можно, то я бы хотел получить "лучший ответ", но это не обязательно, просто было бы приятно<3
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