3 Read and complete the sentences. My name is Sam. There are three boys in my family. I was born on June 5th, 2006. I have two brothers. My brother Zack was born on May 4th, 2005. My other brother, Aiden, was born on July 6th, 2007. Zack is tall and artistic. He's quiet and shy. He makes movies. Aiden is short. He's noisy and sporty. He plays soccer. I'm not short or tall. I'm friendly and talkative. I like playing video games on my cell phone. old/young tall/short noisy/quiet 1 Zack is 2 Aiden is 3 Zack is 4 Aiden is 5 I'm 6 I'm older than me. than me. than me. than me. than Aiden. than Zack.​



Ответ дал: Animus52Hz


2. younger

3. taller

4. shorter

5. quieter

6. noisier

Ответ дал: tdxmbmsn5n
2. younger 3. shorter 4. taller 5. noisier 6. quietly
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