нужна помощь с английским!! заранее спасибо!
Complete the gaps with the modal verbs: can, can’t, may, must, mustn’t.

I'm sure the museum is near here. It _________ be round the corner.
I am a bit lost. _________ you help me, please?
You _________ put the rubbish in the litter bins. It’s written on this sign.
This is a big park. You _________ run or play hide-and-seek here.
You _________ cross the street here. There’s no zebra crossing.
I think there _________ be a mistake in your tax return. You should check it.
Sorry, but I'm not Mark. You _________ be confusing me for someone else.


Ответ дал: denissevcuk409

I'm sure the museum is near here. It **must** be round the corner. I am a bit lost. Can you help me, please? You can't put the rubbish in the little bins. It's written on this sign. You can run or play hide-and-seek here. You can't cross the street here. There's no zebra crossing. I think there must be a mistake in your tax return. You should check it. Sorry, But I'm Not Mark, You Must Be confusing me for someone

mikovatanabi: большое спасибо за помощь!
denissevcuk409: не зашто!
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