1 Read the postcard and choose the correct answer, A, B or C to complete the sentences. Hi, Nurasyl, (1) How are you? Are you enjoying your summer holidays? When are you leaving for Astana? (2) We're here in Athens and it's really fantastic! We've been to many places and we're having a great time. We went to the Acropolis yesterday, which was amazing. It's so beautiful! We also went to the new museum and walked around the old part of the city. Today we're visiting some of the other museums in the city. I'm very excited about that! I'll take lots of pictures for you! (3) Tomorrow we're leaving Athens. We're going to the Greek islands for five days. I'm going to swim in the sea every day! We get back next week. I'll call you as soon as I get home! Bye for now! Your friend, Arman 1 Arman asks Nurasyl if he is... 2 Today Arman is visiting ... 3 Arman is returning home... A enjoying Astana. B having a nice summer. C leaving for Astana. A the Acropolis. B some museums. C the old part of the city. A tomorrow. B in five days. C next week. HELLAS SAANNIKH AN Stan Lively 20 High Road Astana 010000 Kazahstan VAICS​


Ответ дал: nazym0254

1.Having a nice cummer.

2. the old part of the city.

3. in five days.


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