Помогите пж с английским. 40 баллов даю

Fill in the gaps with a / the. If no article is needed, write “–”.

1. Steve has been studying at ___ school for 10 years.
2. ___ Sun is millions of kilometers from ___ Earth.
3. Thomas decided to read ___ article because he didn't want to go to ___ bed.
4. Can you bring me my laptop from ___ living room?
5. Please, give me ___ pen over there.
6. ___ Tate Gallery is one of ___ most popular museums in ___ world.
7. Pam wants to go to ___ theatre to see ___ play about___ Paris.
8. Alan has to take __ taxi if he wants to get to __ train station in __ time.


Ответ дал: ramazanovaaan0635






6) The,the

7) the, a ,

8) a, the,-

Ответ дал: Kormash

1. Steve has been studying at THE school for 10 years.
2. THE Sun is millions of kilometers from A Earth.
3. Thomas decided to read THE article because he didn't want to go to THE bed.
4. Can you bring me my laptop from THE living room?
5. Please, give me A pen over there.
6. THE Tate Gallery is one of THE most popular museums in A world.
7. Pam wants to go to THE theatre to see A play about A Paris.
8. Alan has to take THE taxi if he wants to get to A train station in THE time.

Kormash: Вибачаюсь, у 8. to take а taxi
hejoyek569: дякую
Kormash: Прошу =)
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