8. I (watch) ___________________ a thriller on T.V. when the electricity went
out. Now I am never going to find out how the film ends.

9. Samantha (be) ___________________ in the room when Bob (tell)
___________________ me what happened, but she didn't hear anything because she
(listen, not) ___________________.

10. It's strange that you (call) ___________________ because I (think, just)
___________________ about you.

11. The Titanic (cross) ___________________ the Atlantic when it (strike)
___________________ an iceberg.

12. When I entered the store, a couple of merchants (bargain, noisily)
__________________ and (try) ___________________ to sell their goods to naive
tourists who (hunt) ___________________ for souvenirs. Some young boys (lead)
___________________ their donkeys through the narrow streets on their way home. A
couple of men (argue) ___________________ over the price of a leather belt. I (walk)
___________________ over to a man who (sell) ___________________ fruit and (buy)
___________________ a banana.
13. The firemen (rescue) ___________________ the old woman who (be)
___________________ trapped on the third floor of the burning building.

14. I was very upset! He (leave, always) ___________________ his dirty dishes
in the sink. I think he (expect) ___________________ me to do them up for him.

15. Samantha (live) __________________ in Cambridge for more than two years. In fact,
she (live) ___________________ there when I was a student.

temurbekrasulov0220: ответ неправильный
temurbekrasulov0220: 1. were you doing, was trying
2. found, was immediately going, turned
3. said, was, needed
4. arrived, wasn't, was studying
5. was also watching
6. was calling, were not. worked
7. was talking, were working busily, were discussing quietly.
8. was watching
9. was, was not listening
10. were rescuing, was trapping
temurbekrasulov0220: вот правильный


Ответ дал: resentler


1. did you do, was trying

2. found, was immediately going, turned

3. sayed, was, was needing

4. arrived, wasn't, was studying

5. was also working

6. called, weren't, was working

7. walked, was talking, was busily working, were quietly discussing.


temurbekrasulov0220: Это неправильно
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