Choose between Future Simple and be going to to complete the conversation.
— Can I speak to Fiona, please?
— Speaking. Is that you, Pat?
— It’s me. Hi. What you ______________ (1 – do) tonight?
— I don’t know yet. I think, I _____________ (2 — read) the book Nora gave me yesterday.
— How about going to the cinema?
— Sounds good, but I’m looking after my little brother after eight, because my parents are going to their friend’s birthday party.
— Poor you. Your brother is so naughty sometimes!
— But I love him. He’s so funny! I think, he _______________ (3 — be) a good clown. He says he ______________ (4 — be) a pilot, nothing else. Well, what ______________ (5 — do) you tonight?
— I don’t know either. I wanted to go somewhere nice with you, but you are baby-sitting tonight, so I __________ (6 — help) you to baby-sit, if you don’t mind.
—Of course, I don’t. Come along and we___________ (7 — have) a nice cup of tea and _________ (8—play) with my brother.


Ответ дал: ezzamarria


1. are (you) going to do

2. am going to read

3. is going to be

4. will be

5. are (you) going to do

6. am going to help

7. will have

8. will play


Going to используется, когда мы говорим о заранее составленном плане, в то время как Future Simple используется для обозначения спонтанного решения.

mapycya11: Это правильно?
ezzamarria: Что за странный вопрос?
ezzamarria: Я не буду выкладывать ответ, если не уверена в нем
ezzamarria: Добавила же объяснение, значит, знаю, что делаю
mapycya11: Ладно спасибо
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