Writing task 2. Choose the correct variant.
1. Years ago, in Cappadocia, Turkey,
people carved these in the rocks to
make homes.
a. chimney
b. caves
c. fridge
2. Everyone's asleep. We ........ make a
a. couldn't
b. mustn't
d. needn't
e. wouldn't
..... you like to go for a ride
with us?
a. Do
b. Should
a. can
b. shall
c. might
d. must
5. Paris is a ... city with plenty to do, day
or night.
a. bustling
b. crumbling
c. abandoned
6. Berlin is in the north east of
a. ruins
b. excavated
c. located
7. Manchester is a (an)... ... in the north
of England. There are many factories
c. Will
d. Would
a. peaceful life
4. I wonder if this is the right way. It b. industrial city
not be.
ideal destination


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1. Years ago, in Cappadocia, Turkey, people carved these in the rocks to make homes.

b. caves

2. Everyone's asleep. We ........ make a noise

b. mustn't


..... you like to go for a ride with us?

d. Would

5. Paris is a ... city with plenty to do, day or night.

a. bustling

6. Berlin is in the north east of Germany.

c. located

7. Manchester is a (an)... ... in the north of England. There are many factories there.

b. industrial city

4. I wonder if this is the right way. It

might not be.


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