in town. Choose the correct option. There's@/ the new girl in our girl's brother is in Dan's class. 2 We went to Paris last month and we stayed at a/ the hotel. A/ The hotel had a/ the big swimming pool and a/ the lovely restaurant. We ate in a / the restaurant every evening. 4 1 class. A/ The 3 Do you want a / the biscuit? A / The chocolate ones are delicious! Or there's a/ the cake. I can cut you a / the piece. 4 I bought a / the new smartphone and a/ the new bag yesterday. A/ The smartphone was expensive but a / the bag was cheap. 5 Peter is a / the student. He lives in a / the flat with two friends. A/ The flat is small but he likes it.


Ответ дал: Dasha855757


a a a a the a the the a a a a the the a the the

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