твір на тему як зберегти тропічні ліси​


Ответ дал: shakervl
Tropical forests are disappearing very quickly. The good news is that there are people who want to save them. The bad news is that saving the rainforest will not be easy. It will take a lot of effort by many people to work together to save the rainforests and their wildlife and allow your children to enjoy and appreciate them in the future.

One way to save rainforests and the world's ecosystems in general is to focus on "trees":
inform others about the importance of the environment and how they can save it;
restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where rainforests have been cut down;
encourage people to live in a way that does not harm the environment;
create parks to protect rainforests and wildlife;
support companies that operate in a way that minimizes damage to the environment.

shakervl: Зроби будьласка мою відповідь кращою!
shakervl: Дякую!!! Бажаю тобі удачі!
viktoriakacemba: і тобі дякую за відповідь)
Ответ дал: vlmos

Ответ:1. Every green leaf, every blade of grass emits oxygen into the air. We breathe with it, without it there is no life. Do not trample, do not tear plants!2. The best flower is the one that blooms where it grew. Don't destroy it!3. Mushrooms poisonous to humans, for forest dwellers - medicine and food. The more different mushrooms are in the forest, the cozier it is, the trees grow better and taller in it. Do not destroy inedible mushrooms!4. Do not make noise in the spring forest, do not turn on the music too loud. You scare the bird, it will fly away from the nest. The eggs that she hatched will get cold and chicks will never be hatched from them. Better listen to the voices of the forest!


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