Помогите пожалуйста Заранее спасибо! Fill in the next words: improve, naughty, memorize, skip, creative, powerful, punish.
1.My parents used to.......me by not letting me watch TV.
2.Ann paints and writes poetry. She's very..........
3. Television may have a ....... influence on children.
4. They behave so badly. They're really...........
5.Pam decided to class this morning. 6. I try to .........long lists of verbs every evening.
7. I hope to ...... my French when I go to France.​


Ответ дал: quelian777

My parents used to punish me by not letting me watch TV.

Ann paints and writes poetry. She's very creative.

Television may have a powerful influence on children.

They behave so badly. They're really naughty.

Pam decided to skip class this morning.

I try to memorize long lists of verbs every evening.

I hope to improve my French when I go to France.

vikkasx0: спасибо
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