Match the words to form phrases. Then, use them to complete the sentences. 1 1 2 3 4 5 refugee medical success shining A example B C camps development D story sustainable E centre means showing people how to grow food themselves, instead of just giving them donations. 2 Kazakhstan is a ... ..... of a country that helps other less prosperous ones. 3 They give all children free vaccinations at the ........ 4 The village used to have no running water, no school and no doctor, but life there is better now. It's a true .... .......! 5 Our school collected 54 bags of clothes to send to children living in .........



Ответ дал: detectiveeeee


1. C

2. E

3. D

4. A

5. B

1. Sustainable development

2. Shining example

3. Medical centre

4. Success story

5. Refugee camp

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