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Complete the sentences with Present Simple/Present

Continuous/ Present Perfect/ Past Simple

1 He just (clean) the kitchen.

2 Our holiday ( begin) last week.

3 Pupils (give) the test to the teacher tomorrow.

4 The boys already (miss) the lessons.

5 This tree (break) our house during the storm yesterday.

6 Ann always (to remember) to buy bread and milk.


Ответ дал: aetheticbunnies


1. He just cleaned the kitchen

2. Our holiday began last week

3. Pupils gave the test to the teacher tomorrow

4. The boys already missed the lessons

5. This tree broke our house during the storm yesterday

6. Ann always remembered to buy bread and milk.

Всё. надеюсь помог Я знаю английский уже 8 лет, так что да. Удачи!


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