Make compound nouns with a word from A and a word from B. Complete the sentences with the
compound nouns. Be careful of the spelling: some compounds are single words and others are not.
A ice seat boarding sun murder renewable
B burn pass caps investigation energy belt
1 It was very hot in Dubai and my dad got bad __________________ on his face.
2 I lost my __________________ at the airport, so I couldn't get onto the plane.
3 In the future, __________________ like solar power will be used more, and we won't burn fossil fuels.
4 You must wear a __________________ when you’re travelling in a car.
5 After the police found the dead body, they started a __________________ .
6 My teacher told us that the polar __________________ are melting because of global warming.


Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


1 It was very hot in Dubai and my dad got bad sunburn on his face.

2 I lost my boarding pass at the airport, so I couldn't get onto the plane.

3 In the future, renewable energy like solar power will be used more, and we won't burn fossil fuels.

4 You must wear a seatbelt when you’re travelling in a car.

5 After the police found the dead body, they started a murder investigation.

6 My teacher told us that the polar ice caps are melting because of global warming.


1 В Дубае было очень жарко, и мой отец получил солнечный ожог лица.

2 Я потерял посадочный талон в аэропорту, поэтому не смог сесть в самолет.

3 В будущем возобновляемые источники энергии, такие как солнечная энергия, будут использоваться больше, и мы не будем сжигать ископаемое топливо.

4 Вы должны пристегиваться ремнем безопасности, когда едете в машине.

5 После того, как полиция нашла труп, они начали расследование убийства.

6 Мой учитель сказал нам, что полярные льды тают из-за глобального потепления.

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