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Ответ дал: nikaPopadiuk

Ответ: Name:Oleksandr Bell, When:1876, Facts:1. People Still Use Payphones

It might sound surprising, but payphones are still around – and people still use them! Their number is slowly dwindling, though. It is estimated that there are about 100,000 of them still existing in the US. Quite a drop, especially when you consider more than two million payphones in the 1990s.,

More:Alexander Graham Bell Didn’t Invent It First

Bell gets credit for inventing the phone when, in fact, there were many pioneers before Bell’s model. Antonio Meucci is often credited as creating a prototype of the telephone with his teletrofono. Unlike the modern phone that converts sounds into electrical signals, Meucci’s prototype didn’t work as well as later versions. The first telephone by Alexander Graham Bell worked through the sound transmission. This sound is then converted into an electric signal, which allowed it to travel for a distance.


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