Open the brackets. Use the necessary forms denoting unreality
1.If it (not to be) slippery, he _ (not to break) his leg.
2.I wish my friend and I (not to quarrel) so often.
3.But for the headache I (not to leave) the party early.
4. If you _(not to miss) the lecture, you
(not to ask) me about it now.
5. What_ (you / to do) if you _ (to be) the head of the company?


Ответ дал: yuriucorchemny

1. If it weren't slippery, he wouldn't have broken his leg.

2. I wish my friend and I didn't quarrel so


3. But for the headache, I wouldn't have left the party early.

4. If you hadn't missed the lecture, you

wouldn't be asking me about it now.

5. What would you do if you were the

head of the company?


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