Water bears, also known as tardigrades, are a wonder! They are tiny eight- legged creatures, known for their virtual indestructibility on Earth. They can survive almost anything: extreme temperatures, tons of radiation, the pressures of the deep sea, starvation, and nearly a decade without water. Now their legendary toughness has been put to the ultimate test. They've been sent into space! Experiment biologists have suggested that tardigrades may be the only animal to come back alive after a trip in real space. Scientists now decided to send them into space to find out if thatis true. 1 [1] Once in space, all the water bears were exposed to the vacuum of space, and some were even exposed to solar and cosmic radiation. After 10 days of exposure to space, the satellite returned to 2 [1] The vacuum itself seemed to have little effect on the creatures. But ultraviolet radiation, which can damage cellular material and DNA, did take its toll. Yet, a handful of animals even survived full exposure to the Sun's UV light, which is more than 1000 times stronger in space than on the Earth's surface. 3 Water bears are a mystem Ther!​


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