!!! нужно срочно и правильно ​



Ответ дал: dice335
  1. Sarah reminded me not to forget about my mom's birthday.
  2. He asked me to get in touch with him today.
  3. The shop assistant ordered me not to touch the screen.
  4. The policewoman warned me not to leave my luggage there.
  5. "I was sleeping when you called," was stated.
  6. "I saw the accident at the corner of High Street," Sandy explained.
  7. It was stated that "I won't see you tomorrow."
  8. Mr Brown said that he was watching TV the previous night.
  9. They said that they were very happy about the present.
  10. Alina said that they played tennis for their school the previous night.

bogdanvolkov2030: отдуши
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