Заполните пробелы прошедшим простым глаголом в скобках.

1 (you/have) a comfortable trip.
2 when_____(she/wash) her car.
3 (you/visit) your grandparents last week?
4 (the teacher/not/talk) to Peter after the lesson?
5 (she/not/buy) a blue jacket?
6 what colour_____(they/paint) their room?
7 he_____ (find) the key on his way home?
8 (she/know) all the students' names?
9 they_____ (not/return) at 9.
10 they _____ (not/leave) the books at home. They_____ (leave) them at school.


Ответ дал: putthetopofmoney


1 Did you have a comfortable trip?

2 When did she wash her car?

3 Did you visit your grandparents last week?

4 Did the teacher not talk to Peter after the lesson?

5 Did she not buy a blue jacket?

6 What colour did they paint their room?

7 Did he find the key on his way home?

8 Did she know all the students' names?

9 They did not return at 9.

10 They did not leave the books at home. They left them at school.

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