1 What were you doing yesterday at 7 pm? 2 Which languages can you speak well? 3 Are there any mysterious places in your country? What do your parents look like? Which sports do you like to play? [3] плиз дам 30 баллов ​


Ответ дал: maxum000

1 Yesterday at 7 pm, I was probably at home, relaxing after a long day at work.

2 I can speak English and Russian fluently, and have a basic understanding of Spanish.

3 There are many mysterious and intriguing places in my country, such as ancient castles, abandoned villages, and hidden natural wonders. My parents are both in their 60s and have dark hair and brown eyes. They are both of average height and build.

4 I enjoy playing a variety of sports, including soccer, basketball, and tennis.

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