Follow the lines. What's each person's favourite type of film? Complete the sentences with the types of films and the adjectives in the list. funny scary boring exciting • clever Andrew mystery · ● *********** Anna (adventure Aizhan 1 Andrew's favourite type of film is They have lots of action and they're really comedy ************ 2 Anna's favourite type of film is .............. Even she isn't afraid. though they're 3 Aizhan's favourite type of film is She finds the interesting plots really ************* Ulan horror Mary fantasy 4 Ulan's favourite type of film is They're never ............. because they're set in make-believe worlds where anything can happen. 5 Mary's favourite type of film is they are............ and make her laugh. ********* because​



Ответ дал: sveta838283


1.Adventure , exciting

2. horror , scary

3. mystery , clever

4. fantasy , boring

5. comedy , funny

Объяснение: Вроде бы так сори если не правильно  

Vmariiya285: класс
Vmariiya285: я думаю что правильно
Vmariiya285: СПАСИБО
romanyef998: ртбм
alinabajmuhametova06: неправильно
lguljanasem11: Мен оны қазір ғана көшірдім
bykovaeva27: спасибо
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