. Complete the sentences with these adjectives: scary, stressful, pregnant, awful, strong.
1) When I opened the door I saw that the whole room was a mess and nobody had tidied it up. It was pretty _______________.
2) That was a ___________ film we saw on TV yesterday. – So much blood and horrible scenes.
3) It was a _____________ school week. On Monday we had two tests and on Wednesday I had to hand in my presentation.
4) Have you heard the good news? – Mary’s ______________.
5) He’s from Texas. You can tell that because he has such a _____________ accent whenever he speaks.

8. Complete the sentences with these adjectives: annoying, boring, great, interesting, sunburnt.
1) History is an ____________ subject. I love learning about life in ancient Egypt and how the Romans lived.
2) I can’t stand him any more. He always promises to do things but never gets them done. It’s so ____________.
3) Be careful not to get ___________ . It can cause skin cancer.
4) Our teacher is so ____________ . He says the same things over and over again. I often fall asleep during lessons.
5) They played a __________ game and beat the other team 5-1.


Ответ дал: FedоrM
  1. When I opened the door I saw that the whole room was a mess and nobody had tidied it up. It was pretty awful.
  2. That was a scary film we saw on TV yesterday. – So much blood and horrible scenes.
  3. It was a stressful school week. On Monday we had two tests and on Wednesday I had to hand in my presentation.
  4. Have you heard the good news? – Mary’s pregnant.
  5. He’s from Texas. You can tell that because he has such a strong accent whenever he speaks.
  6. History is an interesting subject. I love learning about life in ancient Egypt and how the Romans lived.
  7. I can’t stand him any more. He always promises to do things but never gets them done. It’s so annoying.
  8. Be careful not to get sunburned. It can cause skin cancer.
  9. Our teacher is so boring. He says the same things over and over again. I often fall asleep during lessons.
  10. They played a great game and beat the other team 5-1.
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