* Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps by choosing the correct words (A, B or C). Charlie: Hi Steve. How are you? I heard the storm 1) your house. Steve: Yes. It was frightening. I 2) TV in the living room when suddenly I heard a loud bang. Then the lights went out, A power line fell on my house! did you feel? Charlie: That's awful! 3) ..... Steve: I was frightened. Charlie: Was anyone hurt? Steve: No, we had a lucky 4)... Charlie: What a terrifying experience! Steve: I know. I'm glad it's over. 1 A damaged 2 A watched 3 A What 4 A departure B hurt B was watching B Why B exit C fell C watch C How C escape 3 2​


Ответ дал: kramarnikita21


A damaged

A watched





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