EXERCISE 2 Read and complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Oliver Twist (live) in London in the 19th century. He (2) (start) writing the novel Oliver Twist in 1837. Oliver Twist was a poor (not have) any parents. He (4) Charles Dickens (1) boy who (3) (live) in a workhouse with other poor children, but he (5) it because they (6) .(not like) (not have) enough food to eat. Oliver (7) the end, Oliver (11) out that he (12) (run) away to London (meet) a man and (8) called Fagin. Fagin (9) (teach) him how to steal money from people. A nice woman called Nancy (10) (look) after Oliver. In (find) (come) from a rich family, and he (13) (go) to live with them in a beautiful house. Recorde




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Oliver Twist
Charles Dickens (1) lived in London in the 19th century. He (2) started writing the novel Oliver Twist in 1837. Oliver Twist was a poor boy who  (3)  didn't have any parents. He (4) lived in a workhouse with other poor children, but he (5) didn't like it because they (6) didn't have enough food to eat. Oliver (7) ran away to London and (8) met a man called Fagin. Fagin (9) taught him how to steal money from people. A nice woman called Nancy (10) looked after Oliver. In the end, Oliver (11) found out that he (12) came from a rich family, and he (13) went to live with them in a beautiful house. 
Past Simple
Большинство глаголов образуют форму Past Simple с помощью окончания —ed, у неправильных глаголов особые формы прошедшего времени (нужно запомнить).
В тексте сл.неправильные глаголы:
•run - ran
•teach - taught
•find - found
•come - came
•go - went
Отрицание строится с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do в форме прошедшего времени – did и частицы not. Смысловой глагол используется в начальной форме. В разговорной речи did not сокращается до didn’t.

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