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Ответ дал: callmespecial

1. These men are engineers.

2. Those women are my sisters.

3. These children are my sons.

4. Those geese are big.

5. These mice are white.

6. These men are doctors.

7. Those women are my cousins. They are lecturers at the university.

8. Those girls are my nieces. They are pupils.

9. These girls have blue sweaters.

10. These boys have good mobile telephones.

11. My uncles have large gardens.

12. There are poultry farms in this district.

13. We have good computers. Our computers are in our offices.

14. There are flowers in the vase.

15. These reports are interesting.

16. What are those children's names?

17. The cats have caught a mouse.

18. There were ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls in hall.

19. In the farm-yard we could see oxen, sheep, cows and geese.

20. Are these workers Englishmen or Germans? - They are Frenchmen.

21. These strawberries are still green.

22. The leaves are falling to the ground.

23. His children study very well.

24. These men work shifts.

25. There are new houses in our street.

26. These stories are very interesting.

27. I have hurt my feet.

28. The researchers will study new phenomenons.

29. He keeps his toys in a box.

(Я могла дополнительно поставить во м.ч. какие-то части предложений, с которыми ничего не нужно было делать. Но тебе за это ничего не будет).

aavrodij: Большое спасибо за помощь. Очень выручили
Вас заинтересует
1 год назад