5 00 Use the prompts to complete the dialogue. A: the new electronics store / open / yesterday; you / go? ¹ The new electronics store opened yesterday. Did you go? B: Yeah; 1/go/ with Tina; we / arrange/ to meet for lunch A: where/you/go/? 2 B: we/find/ a table / at Marco's 3 4 A: what/you/have/? 5 8 B: 1/have/pizza; Tina / not eat / anything; she / not be / hungry 6 A: so, how many / gadgets/you/buy/? 7 5 B: 1/not buy/ any /!/we/ not stay / long; it / be / very crowded/!​



Ответ дал: alisafiorini13

Ответ: B: Yeah, I went there with Tina. We arranged to meet for lunch.

A: Where did you go?

B: We found a table at Marco's

A: What did you have?

B: I have pizza. Tina did not eat anything. She did not be hungry

A: so, how many did gadgets you buy?

B: I did not buy any gadgets! We did not stay for long.  It was very crowded!​

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