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Complete the sentenceswith gone or been.
1.Linda has never ___ to a jazz concert.
2.Jim is on holiday now. He has ___ to the seaside resort.
3.Sue wants to go to the Tate Gallery but I have already ___ there.
4.Have you ___ to the new theatre yet?
5.Would you like something to eat? No, I have just ___ to the restaurant.
6.Lisa needs some money. She has ___ to the bank to get it.
7.Jane is not at home at the moment. She has just ___ to work.
8.Our granny has got a temperature. She has ___ to hospital to see her doctor.


Ответ дал: herevp


1 been

2 gone

3 been

4 gone

5 gone

6 been

7 been

8 gone

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