38 3 Choose the correct word. We've got a few/a little apples. Let's make a pie. 2 There is too many/much sugar in my coffee. 3 Are you hungry? There's a little/a few pasta left. 4 How much/many cheese is there? 5 We need some/a few butter for the cake. Grammar 1 6 How many/much eggs do you need to make an omelette? 7 There are some/much apples in the fridge. 8 There is many/a lot of cereal in the cupboard. 9 I've got a little/a few flour. I can make a pizza. срочно !!!​


Ответ дал: polinat0401


1. a few

2. much

3. a little


5. some

6. how many


8. a lot of

9. a little

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