3 Complete the replies using either will or the correct form of be going to. Use short forms 1 'Have you made any plans for when you leave school?' 'Yes. (I/be) an astronomer. 2 'Do you know how to do the physics homework?' 'No, I don't. (you/help) me?' 3 Do you have any plans for the weekend?' 'Yes! (we/go) camping in the mountains so we can see the comet' 4 'Have you decided what you're going to buy Karen for her birthday?' 'Well, since she likes astronomy, 5 Does Sindy have any plans for her science project yet?' 'She's decided (I/get) her a book about Mars. (she/not/do) a science project after all?​


Ответ дал: PeTaSuM


1) I'm going to be

2) Are you going to help

3) We are going to go

4) I'm going to get

5) she will not going to do

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