39. Раскрой скобки. Употреби the Past Simple Tense. 1. Last summer Dan (visit) his Granny in the country. Last summer Dan visited his Granny in the country. 2. They (listen) to the music yesterday. 3. My mother 4. We (cook) the cake on Sunday. (arrive) in London yesterday. 5. Mike 6. Sue 7. The boys (travel) by car last summer. (help) her friend to decorate the room (work) hard at the lesson on Frid 40. Дай отрицательный ответ. 1. Did you visit your Granny yesterday? No, I didn't visit my Granny yesterday. 2. Did the children play team games in the yard the other 3. Did your family move to a new flat a few days ago? 4. Did the girls pick up berries in the garden 2 days ago? 5. Did the children dance at the disco last week? 6. Did you help your grandparents about the house last we 41. Поставь вопросы к предложениям. 1. Nick visited his friend last week. (Общий. Почему?) Did Nick visit his friend last week? Why did Nick visit his friend last week? 2. We walked in the forest last Sunday. (Общий. Когда?) 3. Linda played team games with her friends in the yard in (Общий. Кто?) 4. Bill helped me to choose several books. (0бший. Сколы 5. Pete worked in the garden in summer. (Общий. Где?)​


Ответ дал: ap319487

Did Nick visit his friend last week? When did we walk in the forest last Sunday? Who played team games with Linda's friends in the yard? Who helped Bill to choose several books? Where did Pete work in the garden in summer?

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