Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal 1) You............................... smoke in the hospital. 2) ................. I borrow your red dress for the party. 3) He is so pale, he ...................... visit the doctor. 4)..... ..............speak four languages. 5) You ................................ respect your parents. 6) They... .………...................... arrive this evening. 7) We................ meet each other in the bus station. 8) She ..................... ...come to the party, she was ill. 9) It's a cloudy day, it rain today. 10) Sam Isn't at home, he in his office. 11) close the door, please? 12) This cheese is so salty, you it. 13) Tina .................... buy new toys, she has many. 14) I...................go on holiday to Malta next week. 15) She....... ...................revise her lessons.​


Ответ дал: mihaskolokolov


You must not smoke in the hospital.

May I borrow your red dress for the party?

He is so pale, he should visit the doctor.

I can speak four languages.

You should respect your parents.

They might arrive this evening.

We will meet each other in the bus station.

She couldn't come to the party, she was ill.

It's a cloudy day, it might rain today.

Sam isn't at home, he must be in his office.

Will you close the door, please?

This cheese is so salty, you shouldn't eat it.

Tina doesn't need to buy new toys, she has many.

I am going to go on holiday to Malta next week.

She should revise her lessons.

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