помогиииииите пожалуйста, дам 100!!!?​



Ответ дал: irodaxurramova5
1 1. Katya is often sent abroad. 2. A new film was shown on TV yesterday. 3. Pharaohs were buried inside the pyramids. 4. Tourists visit Rome every month. 5. All tests were checked by the teacher last week. 6. Skeletons of ancient animals were found by scientists in the north of the country. 7. This book is sold in many stores. 8. The library closed at 7 o'clock. 9. This hotel does not serve breakfast. 10. Letters are often sent to him.
Ответ дал: ajbijkealtynbekova7

1.Katya is often sent abroad

2.The new film was shown on TV yesterday

3.Pharaohs were buried inside the pyramids

4.Rome is visited by tourists every month

5.All the tests were checked by the teacher last week

6.Skeletons of ancient animals were found by scientists in the north of the country

7. This book is sold in many stores

8.The library was closed at 7 o'clock

9.This hotel does not serve breakfast

10. He often receives letters

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