Утворити запитання з "хвостиком" до наступних речень:

1) Bob and Tom are in the street, ________?
2) I'm not a teenager, _________?
3) We can't say this, ________?
4) The Browns have just bought a new house, _________?
5) Tim and his parents have got a very nice garden, _________?
6) Sue isn't working now,__________?
7) My brother will help me tomorrow, _____________?
8)Amanda has got a problem, _______________?
9) He would like to dance, _______________?
10) I won't forget this day, _________?


Ответ дал: denisgoga73p5hk68
1 aren’t they?
2 am I?
3 can we?
4 haven’t they?
5 haven’t they?
6 is she?
7 won’t he?
8 hasn’t she?
9 wouldn’t he?
10 will I?
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