Read the article about Nicoya and answer the questions. 1 Where is Nicoya? 2 What do people there do? 3 What do they eat and drink? 4 What exercise do they do? 5 When do they get up and go to bed? 6 How long do they sleep? 7 What is a plan de vida? How does it make a difference to their lives?
40 баллов​



Ответ дал: lymarvioleta


1Nicoya is located in the northwest of Costa Rica,

2 the people who live there are farmers.

3 people mostly drink water.

they eat beans, rice, sweet potatoes, and sometimes some meat, eggs, or some cheese.

4.they work very hard.walking or riding horses.

5 they go to sleep when it's dark and get up when it's light.

6 sleep usually eight hours a day.

7.Plan means "a reason to get up every morning". It makes people even over 100 years old feel needed


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