ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА Write the sentences in the first conditional. 1. If I 2. If Mary 3. If you sink) 4. If she 5. If you 6. If she 7. If your brother to get) 8. If it 9. If it 10. If she late to English lesson, I a party, lots of friends a stone into water, it a sad film, she my letter, I too much, he too windy, we the ground the song, I (to be, to apologize) (to have, to come) to the bottom. (to throw, to (to watch, to cry) the bus. (not to hurry, to miss) very unhappy. (not to answer, to be) a stomach ache. (to eat, for a walk. (not to be, to go) white. (to snow, to get) it. (not to like, not to record)​



Ответ дал: aijamalka2107


1. If I am late to English lesson, I will apologize.

2. If Mary has a party, lots of friends will come.

3. If you throw a stone into water, it will sink to the bottom.

4. If she watches a sad film, she will cry.

5. If you don't hurry, you will miss the bus.

6. If she doesn't answer my letter, I will be very unhappy.

7. If your brother it's too much, he will get a stomach ache.

8. If it isn't be too windy, we will go for a walk.

9. If it snow, the underground will get white.

10. If she doesn't like the song, I will not record it.

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