На фото .......................



Ответ дал: x1aner


Передай вчительці, що dishwasher пишеться разом)))


1. 1. A vacuum cleaner is used to clean the carpet.

2. A television is used to watch films and news.

3. A mobile phone is used to communicate with people.

4. A microwave oven is used to cook meals.

5. A computer is used to find information.

6. A washing machine is used to wash clothes.

7. An iron is used to press clothes.

8. A dishwasher is used to wash up

2. 1. f

2. c

3. g

4. e

5. b

6. d

7. a

8. h

x1aner: дай кращу відповідь будь ласка
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