• Предмет: Биология
  • Автор: Aquarian4life
  • Вопрос задан 5 месяцев назад

(Choose the one that best answers the question.) The
system allows us to interact with our environment, the physical world.

Aquarian4life: ugh i guess we can just talk on here then
Aquarian4life: ill make a question for me and you
dubuissonjade: mhmm
Aquarian4life: gtg guys see ya
miracleanunobi12: bye!
dubuissonjade: by,e
28ccolon: adios
miracleanunobi12: hey chi
28ccolon: hey i just finished eating
miracleanunobi12: nice


Ответ дал: monstercat023



A transmitter chemical that causes muscle contraction

Cerebrospinal fluid

Fluid within the mening around the brain and spinal cord


An enzyme which neutralizes acetylcholine at the synapse


A graph showing the brain's electrical activity


A brain problem that causes seizures


Separation of charge in the neurons that prepares them for transmitting an impulse

the physical world.

dubuissonjade: crazy
miracleanunobi12: hey j
miracleanunobi12: let's go to someone else's question
dubuissonjade: mhmmm
miracleanunobi12: what's crazy?
monstercat023: hey
Aquarian4life: hey gusy wait is jacob online on a weekend?
28ccolon: ye im surprised too
monstercat023: -_-
dubuissonjade: .....
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