помогите пожалуйста даю 45 балов ​



Ответ дал: opryskmarian16

a. Had you ever visited the US before your trip in 2006? (Parents in 2003)

No, I had never visited the US before my trip in 2006, but my parents visited in 2003.

b. How long had you been studying Turkish before you moved to Ankara? (2 years)

I had been studying Turkish for 2 years before I moved to Ankara.

c. How come Brenda knew London so well? (Visit/ times before)

Brenda knew London so well because she had visited several times before.

d. Why were they a bit lost when they first moved to Rome? (not/study/Italian)

They were a bit lost when they first moved to Rome because they had not studied Italian.

e. Why was John tired? (jog)

John was tired because he had gone for a jog.

f. How long had they been eating before Carole's arrival? (over an hour)

They had been eating for over an hour before Carole's arrival.

g. How long had Brian studied Spanish before he moved to Spain? (5 years at school)

Brian had studied Spanish for 5 years at school before he moved to Spain.

h. How long had Barbara been in London when she got her diploma? (over 8 years)

Barbara had been in London for over 8 years when she got her diploma.

i. Why had Sue lost so much weight? (stop/eating chocolate and cakes)

Sue had lost so much weight because she had stopped eating chocolate and cakes.

onisenkon796: спасибо большое
Ответ дал: mamed86
1. I had visited U.S with my parents in 2003
2. I had been studying Turkish for 2years
3. Brenda had visited London several times before
4. They have not studied Italian before
5. He was jogging
6. They had been eating over an hour
7. Brian had been studying Spanish for 6 years at school
8. She had been in London for over 8 years
9. She had stopped eating chocolate and cakes
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