Оберіть зайве слово в кожному рядку.
1) swimming, surfing, cycling, boating
2) fencing, football, basketball, handball
3) Serhiy Bubka, Dmytro Dikusar, Yana
Klochkova, Kateryna Serebrianska
4) to run, to sing, to jump, to swim


Ответ дал: genjaosyka11

Ответ: 1) cycling 2) fencing 3 yana klochkova)4) to sing


Ответ дал: krivoruchkonazzy

1. surfing (не відноситься до спорту)

2. fencing (у цьому виду спорту не використовується м'яч)

3. Dmytro Dikusar (всі інші є олімпійськими чемпіонами)

4. to sing (не відноситься до дієслова руху)

cornousmihail78: Розкрийте дужки. Поставте дієслова у Present
Perfect Continuous Tense:
1. Sorry, I am late. I … (to talk) on the phone.
a) b) c)

2. How long…he…(to train) in the gym?
3. You… (to cook) dinner for two hours already!
4. Bill and Tom … (to watch) the football match on TV
for an hour.
cornousmihail78: помоги подалуйста
cornousmihail78: я тебе коронку даже дам
krivoruchkonazzy: 1. Sorry, i am late.I have been talking. 2. How long has he been training in the gym? 3. You have been cooking dinner for two hours already! 4. Bill and Tom have been watching the football match on TV for an hour.
cornousmihail78: спасибо большое )))))
cornousmihail78: Розкрийте дужки. Поставте дієслова або у
Present Perfect у Present Perfect Continuous.
cornousmihail78: 1. Jane is abroad. She already (to visit) three countries.
2. My eyes are tired. I (to read) since afternoon.
3. Marta (to be) in the shopping centre for 2 hours.
4. Our team just (to win) the school competition.
5. My friends and I (to run) since 2 o’clock.
6. I want to buy a new flat. I (to save) money for ages.
cornousmihail78: а с етим помоги тоже если можно пж умаляю
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