1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous
1. …(Ann/ speak) French well?
2. You …(always/lose) your keys!
3. He…(learn) to play chess today.
4. It…(rain) at the moment.
5. Tommy… (play) baseball at 6:00.

2. What's the English for: (перевести на англ. фразы)
1. играть в компьютерные игры
2. ездить на велосипеде
3. рыбачить
4. встречаться с друзьями
5. заниматься виндсерфингом

3. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below(Исправь ошибки, пишем сразу исправленные предложения)
1. My mother always eat fish. I hate it!
2. George have basketball lessons every week.
3. Do you likes team sports? Yes, I like.
4. Can you plays golf? No, I can. ​


Ответ дал: li96u


Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous

Is Ann speaking French well? (Present Continuous)

You always lose your keys! (Present Simple)

He is learning to play chess today. (Present Continuous)

It is raining at the moment. (Present Continuous)

Tommy is playing baseball at 6:00. (Present Continuous)

What's the English for: (перевести на англ. фразы)

play computer games

ride a bicycle

go fishing

hang out with friends

go windsurfing

Correct the mistakes in the sentences below(Исправь ошибки, пишем сразу исправленные предложения)

My mother always eats fish. I hate it!

George has basketball lessons every week.

Do you like team sports? Yes, I do.

Can you play golf? No, I can't.

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