Помогите пожалуйста срочно надо!!
1 поставте диєслова у правильную форму
1) when she phoned her father he (watch) [ ] TV
2) Yesterday ta seven my mother (prepare) [ ] Dinner
3) The children (play) [ ] in the garden when it suddenly began to rain
4) I (practice) [ ] the playing piano when my girlfriend came home
5) They (not/ cycle) [ ] all day
6) While Mike (work) [ ] at his project his friends (play)
7) I tried to tell her truth but she (not / listen) [ ]
8) What (he / do) [ ] yesterday at 5 o'clock?


Ответ дал: Аноним

1) when she called her father, he was watching TV

2) Yesterday and seven my mother cooked dinner

3) Children are playing in the garden when it suddenly started to rain

4) I was playing the piano when my girlfriend came home

5) They don't ride their bikes all day

6) While Mike is working on his project, his friends are playing

7) I tried to tell her the truth, but she wouldn't listen

8) What was he doing yesterday at 5 o'clock?

думаю  это правильно. если не будет верно, извиняюсь

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