What did you do when you were sad/happy( 5 sentences)
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Ответ дал: Fchchchv


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When I feel sad, I usually try to find ways to cheer myself up. I start listening to my favorite music, reading books, watching movies or series that entertain me. I also try to communicate with friends and relatives in order to get their support and comfort. If the sadness does not go away, then I start to do physical exercises or yoga to relieve stress and tension.

When I feel happiness, I usually try to enjoy this feeling without thinking about the negative aspects of life. I can spend time with friends or loved ones, watch movies or series, travel, pursue my hobbies. I try to enjoy the moment, not forgetting that happiness can be short-lived and should be appreciated.

However, I understand that there are also other ways to deal with sadness and achieve happiness. Some people prefer to play sports, others prefer art, and still others prefer meditation. It is important to understand that each person is unique and can choose the methods that suit him best.

In general, I think it's important to be able to recognize your emotions and find ways to regulate them. There are days when things do not go the way we would like, and then we must be able to support ourselves and not give up. And when everything is getting better and we feel happiness, then we need to enjoy every moment and not be afraid to be happy.

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