4 *** Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. 1 Which books do you prefer, fiction or non- I prefer fiction books. Because, it's an inteseting genre 2 What was the first novel you ever read? What did you enjoy about it? My fist novels is Sherlock Holme fascinated by the professiona was 3 Have you ever read a sequel that was better Five than the first book? What was it, and why was it better? 4 Do you buy hardbacks, paperbacks, or both? Why? 5 What is your favourite plot from a book you have read? Дам 20 баллов​


Ответ дал: olegtrofimenko1991


I prefer fiction books because it's an interesting genre.

The first novel I ever read was Sherlock Holmes, and I was fascinated by the professionalism of the character.

Yes, I have read a sequel that was better than the first book. It was "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins, and I thought it was better because the plot was more complex and the characters were more developed.

I buy both hardbacks and paperbacks. I prefer hardbacks for my personal library because they last longer and look nicer on the shelf, but I also buy paperbacks for convenience and affordability.

My favorite plot from a book I have read is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. I was deeply moved by the story's themes of justice, racism, and comp


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