!!!!СРОЧНО!!!! 2. Read the text and choose the correct word. John Winston Ono Lennon is one of the most fame / famous musical artists ever. He shot to fame / famous as one of The Beatles. He co-wrote most of the band's songs, the majority of which are now rock classical / classics. He also helped shape the social revolution of the 1960s. His solo career further elevated /elevator him as a music legend. Lennon also achieved fame as a peace activist. Lennon was born in Liverpool in 1940. He was brought/bring up by an aunt, who bought him a harmonica and taught him how to play / playing the banjo.
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Ответ дал: Аноним

Ответ: John Winston Ono Lennon is one of the most famous musical artists ever.

He shot to fame as one of The Beatles. He co-wrote most of the band's songs, the majority of which are now rock classics. His solo career further elevated him as a music legend. He was brought up by an aunt, who bought him a harmonica and taught him how to play the banjo.

1. Fell

2. Would be

3. In

4. Writing

5. Influential

6. Popular

7. That

8. With

9. Anthem

10. Deranged

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