ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES 6. Complete the test according to the text. Sometimes more than one option is possible. 1) There is no wide choice of accommodation a) in different cities. c) for rent in Canada. c) for a good price. c) Buying takeaway 2) It is difficult to get a camping pitch.... a) in the summer period. b) in small towns. 3)... will certainly save you money. a) Cooking for yourself b) without previous reservation. b) Eating out 4) When it comes to transport ... a) there is a great variety of means, but tickets for all are quite expensive. b) the price and comfort depends on the route. c) camping van is most advisable in all respects. *** *** 5) Canada a) offers numerous possibilities for an active holiday. b) gives tourists a chance to experience varied landscapes and progressive cities. c) is renowned for its fun and pleasant nation. 6) Driving in Canada a) switch off your mobile phone. those who travel on foot. c) hold the opposite to the U.K. side of the road. *** b) give way to those who travel on foot
c) hold the opposite to the U.K.side of the road


Ответ дал: nitemrak
  1. c) for a good price.
  2. a) in the summer period.
  3. a) Cooking for yourself.
  4. b) the price and comfort depends on the route.
  5. b) gives tourists a chance to experience varied landscapes and progressive cities.
  6. c) hold the opposite to the U.K. side of the road.

anaomelcenko22: вибач а можна я зараз напишу тобі правильний тест і ти мені зробиш це теж завдання що ти робив тільки воно трохи з помилками в тексті
nitemrak: давай
Ответ дал: Скориков


c) for a good price.

a) in the summer period.

a) Cooking for yourself

b) the price and comfort depends on the route.

b) gives tourists a chance to experience varied landscapes and progressive cities.

c) hold the opposite to the U.K. side of the road.


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