пж помогите пжпжпжпж срочно надо​



Ответ дал: kobrynmyra

Ответ:Я незнаю чи зробила правильно

Объяснение: My name is Lucas. I am a student. I’m studying at a secondary school near our house. Today I am at home and I’m doing my homework now. We are living in Canada. My father is a farmer. His name is William. He is working eight hours a day. He is working in the field at the moment. My mother is in the field too . She helps my father. They are mowing the animals into the new field. My father and my mother are wearing coats and gloves. Because the weather is very cold but it isn’t snow. We usually get up early. But my brother sleeping now. He don’t like getting up early. My older sister Amelia is in the living room and she looks after my baby sister. Yes, I have got a baby sister. She is so cute. She often crying at night but she not crying now.She is looking relaxing because Amelia singing to her and she listening quietly.

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