Допоможіть зробити вправу з will
Фото прикріплюю



Ответ дал: Kerudi

3 If she runs fast, she'll catch the bus.  

4 If I finish my homewor I'll watch the programme on TV.

5 If he does not good marks in the exam, he won't go to university.

6 If they buy some cheese and tomatoes, they will make pizzas tonight.

7 If you don't help me, I won't finish my work.

8 If they arrive early, we'll go to the cinema

9 If she doesn't practise the piano every day, she won't be a good musician

10 If I have some money, I will buy my mum a present.

Тут треба використати First conditional, який має структуру типу:

(If + Present Simple), (i/he/she/it/they + will + bare infinitive)

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